
Cindy HvalWar Bonds Cover PhotoCome on in and sit a spell.

Click a few links. Sip some coffee. Drop me a line.

You’ll find the things I love here: boys, books, laughter and tales of long-lasting love.

You won’t find politics or lima beans.

I do not love them.

I thank you–and your family–for writing so beautifully about the everyday things and events of life in a way that lifts our spirits and helps us to smile at one another and at life.

Anita Lewis

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your columns in the Spokesman-Review. I was nodding in agreement as I read your column a couple of weeks ago about kids being expected to do chores at home. Right on! It’s nice to know that other parents still have the same expectations I do. Then when I read your column yesterday about your sons, my eyes welled with tears. I can relate since my “baby boy” is now 16 and is happily towering over me. You captured my sentiments exactly! So thank you for your excellent work! I’ll look forward to reading your columns in the future.

Margie Booth